I am very excited to share a page through its process. I recently submitted a 3 page sequence for the Top Cow Talent Search. Of their rank of characters, I chose their Witchblade series. I wanted to showcase my ability to draw females. I also thought it would be a challenge for me to draw a character I had little knowledge of. I found a couple of refrerence books produced by Top Cow. I picked out a few images through an image search. I started with this page because the splash page seemed the most exciting. The original concept was: "Panel 1: SPLASH SHOT! Sara floats in space, before the HUMANOID WITCHBLADE (last seen in issue 150).“Standing” beside and behind the Witchblade Woman, extending off into infinite space, are the wielders of theWitchblade…past and future.
Draw only as many as you can draw without going crazy, but I think we should definitely see UNA, ANNE BONNY, KATARINA, DANI BAPTISTE, LETTY SWAN, SELINA LAUREN (from the Warren Ellis story!), TAKERU IBARAKI(from the manga: and MASANE AMAHA (from the anime. That should get the fannies talking!).
Also include GIOVANNA FIRENZE (a new bearer who shows up in this issue. She’s from circa 1910 New York City, an Italian immigrant with black hair, olive skin, and wearing something akin to this: She’s in her early 20s, and, like most Witchblade bearers, she’s quite a looker.
Witchblade: And for this, you must answer a question." First I wanted to focus on creating a symbolic composition. So I thought of using the cross. By placing Sara horizontal versus The horizontal of the Humanoid Witchblade I would also accomplish the sensation of "floating". Then I thought to further support levitation I would encircle them with other Withblades but In a lower plane. A simple circle formation fit. And it kept all the focus on the main subject. I also thought Witchblade fans would enjoy identifying each of the characters. The hardest part was getting all the visuals right with so many characters, especially if they were more incidental characters for obscure sequences in the series. I think I did it well. I worked right over a simple blue line sketch. I usually just identify a position, a general eyeliner then it's right to pencil. Currently I'm using a drafting technical pencil with an H led. I'm trying to discipline myself to keep the point always sharp so I like using my little spinning sharpener. It also reminds me to take a break every so often.
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